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I Support Planned Parenthood 8/6/2015 -salon
Ken Burns: Romney's war on public TV is a loss for USA 11/5/2012 -humanbeing
The Wisdom of Humor: Saturday Night Live 11/4/2012 -humanbeing
Mitt Romney's Tax Plan-Get the Details! 10/16/2012 -salon
Video-Mitt Romney's example of *jobs* is to ship them to China 10/13/2012 -salon
Mitt Romney-Taking on Our Enemies 10/9/2012 -salon
Mitt Romney the Liar-He disdains the middle class 10/6/2012 -salon
Mitt Romney's Welfare Olympics-WE Built That 9/27/2012 -salon
Jon Stewart on the 47 percent and the *Moochocracy* 9/21/2012 -salon
Mitt Romney's Dad was on Welfare 9/21/2012 -salon
Best Form of Birth Control? Legitimate Rape 8/31/2012 -salon
Ruminations of the Easily Amused for August 29 2912 8/29/2012 -salon
Republicans, Enough with the Death Panels and Independent Payment Advisory Board Lies 8/28/2012 -salon
What IS it about Republicans and RAPE? Sheesh! Tom Smith Steps into it 8/28/2012 -salon
Hey Mitt Romney and Republicans- I'm a REAL American, JUST LIKE PRESIDENT OBAMA 8/28/2012 -salon
Laughing at Mitt Romney O Day (Aug 28 2012) So Dangerous to be in France During the Vietnam War edition 8/28/2012 -salon
*Can't You Take A Joke, It Was Just Some Humour*-Why Romney's Birther Comment is Offensive 8/26/2012 -salon
Laughing at Mitt *I'm So Unpopular* Romney O Day - August 26 2012 8/26/2012 -salon
Mitt Romney Stars in the DO-Over 8/26/2012 -salon
Hahah. So much for Mitt Romney's Character or Credibiliy-He goes Birther 8/24/2012 -salon
Mitt Romney and Bain- He'll Give you Nothing 8/24/2012 -salon
RNC Extreme Position on Abortion-No Exceptions-Does Romney Agree? 8/24/2012 -salon
Ruminations of the Easily Amused August 24 2012-Mitt Romney Still Unlikeable 8/24/2012 -salon
Er-Is Mitt Romney Just Stupid? Said the Same Thing about Business He Panned President Obama For 8/24/2012 -salon
Ruminations of the Easily Amused for August 22 2012 8/22/2012 -salon
VIDEO- Mitt Romney's Regressive Lies About Medicare 8/17/2012 -salon
Mitt Romney- the Trust Me But Don't Verify Candidate 8/17/2012 -salon
Laughing at Mitt Romney O Day - *I Can Use a White Board* Edition - August 17 2012 8/17/2012 -salon
Don't Forget-Even Republicans Were Against Job Killer Mitt Romney 8/16/2012 -salon
Laughing at Mitt Romney O Day- Mitt Romney & The Queen's Taxes (August 16 2012) 8/16/2012 -salon
Er... Well, Nobody Said Mitt Romney Was Smart or Had Foreign Policy Experience 8/16/2012 -salon
When the GOP & Mitt Romney Whine About Job Creation, Don't forget this 8/15/2012 -salon
Laughing at Mitt Romney O Day- No Whining In Politics Unless It's ME Edition August 5 2012 8/15/2012 -salon
Paul Ryan Video in 2009 Praising Ayn Rand and talking about Morality 8/15/2012 -salon
Romney/Ryan Support *personhood*- Way Extreme Against Birth Control 8/14/2012 -salon
Why Don't People, Even Republicans, Like Mitt Romney 8/14/2012 -salon
Mitt Ronney's Welfare Reform Ad is 0 8/14/2012 -salon
Laughing at Mitt Romney O Day- Mitt Sure Lies A Lot Edition August 14 2012 8/14/2012 -salon
Laughing at Mitt Romney O Day - August 13 2012-Paul Ryan Ayn Rand edition 8/13/2012 -salon
Breaking Down Mitt Romney's Bullchit about Medicare and other Lies RR Tells 8/13/2012 -salon
Romney and Paul Ryan Want to Turn Medicare Into a Voucher System 8/13/2012 -salon
Romney Vetted *SEVERAL* Years of Ryan Tax Returns-What's Romney HIDING? 8/12/2012 -salon
Vote Republican- End Medicare- The Paul Ryan Plan 8/12/2012 -salon
Wimp Mitt Romney's *Cry Uncle* Moment-He NEEDED a *game changer*-hah Aug 11 2012 8/11/2012 -salon
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan- the *Go Back* Team 8/11/2012 -salon
Romney Introduces Paul Ryan as the Next President- OOOOPS! 8/11/2012 -salon
Hahah. Mitt Romney Visits Iowa Farmer -Empathy With Drought- Farmer is Millionairre w 54 Operations 8/10/2012 -salon
Mitt Romney Continues to Insult Our Allies-Today? Japan 8/10/2012 -salon
Bain Capital Shipping American Jobs to China - *Sensata* 8/10/2012 -salon