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Paul Harper offered to settle State of Texas ex rel. Best v Harper lawsuit for $68k back in 2016 12/29/2019 -pharper
What led up to Harper sending Notice of Lawsuit to Somervell County? 12/17/2019 -pharper
Paul Harper sends Notice of Lawsuit Against Somervell County 12/17/2019 -pharper
Why Didn't County Attorney Andy Lucas Keep Extensive Lawsuit Materials in his file?? re: State of Texas ex rel Best v Harper 11/30/2019 -salon
Texas Attorney General Office says Somervell County is responsible for paying judgment in lawsuit it chose to pursue 11/24/2019 -pharper
Rowan County, NC, to pay ACLU $285k for Commissioners Court Prayer Lawsuit 1/21/2019 -salon
What's Going on with the Turk v Ray Reynolds and Somervell County Hospital District Lawsuit? (Glen Rose Medical Center) 10/19/2018 -salon
Republican Lies and Hypocrisy- in COURT to KILL ACA Including Pre-Existing Conditions 10/19/2018 -salon
Liar Trump has some new lawsuit problems -on his birthday 6/15/2018 -salon
What's New in the Swamp Trump Created? (5/5/2018)-Lying Liars and Stormy Daniels Edition 5/5/2018 -salon
Turk v Somervell County Hospital District/Ray Reynolds Case Going to TRIAL in September 2018 4/30/2018 -salon
Turk v Ray Reynolds and Somervell County Hospital District Lawsuit Continues -On into 2018 Update 1/11/2018 -salon
Turk Lawsuit v Ray Reynolds and Somervell County Hospital District -Update 10/25/2017 10/25/2017 -salon
3 year anniversary of the lawsuit Darrell Best lodged - STILL ongoing 8/27/2017 -salon
Update on Turk vs Somervell County Hospital District and Ray Reynolds Lawsuit - 7/31/2017 7/31/2017 -salon
Paul Harper deposed for 'Turks v. Somervell County Hospital District and Ray Reynolds' federal lawsuit 2/25/2017 -pharper
Ruminations of the Easily Amused - 1/13/2017 Free Speech Lawsuit edition 2/10/2017 -salon
The Luminant-Somervell CAD Settlement Process (10/13/2016) 10/13/2016 -salon
On the lawsuit Luminant against Titus County Appraisal District (Sep 2016) 9/24/2016 -salon
What's Going on w the Turk v Somervell County Hospital District and Ray Reynolds Lawsuit (September 16, 2016) 9/16/2016 -salon
Update on Turk Lawsuit against Ray Reynolds and Somervell County Hospital District -8/24/2016 8/24/2016 -salon
Danny Chambers on Luminant Lawsuit and Serious Topic Re: Expo (July 18 2016) 7/21/2016 -salon
John Curtis Asks if, After Revenues Known, Future Luminant Lawsuits Could Still Happen 7/12/2016 -salon
Discussion of how Luminant lawsuit affects Somervell County Commissioners Revenues 7/12/2016 -salon
Update 5/11/2016 on Turk Lawsuit vs Ray Reynolds and Somervell County Hospital District Lawsuit 5/11/2016 -salon
Update 4/28/2016 on Turk Lawsuit vs Ray Reynolds and Somervell County Hospital District Lawsuit 4/28/2016 -salon
Update 1/9/2016 on Turk Lawsuit against Ray Reynolds and Somervell County Hospital District 1/9/2016 -salon
Texas Supreme Court Denies Moseley et al v Happy Hill Motion for Rehearing (Dec 4 2015) 12/7/2015 -salon
Ray Reynolds/Somervell County Hospital District Partial Motion to Dismiss Denied (Turk lawsuit) 11/18/2015 -salon
Turk Lawsuit Update- Turks Filed an Amended Complaint (11/16/2015) 11/16/2015 -salon
Lawsuit Filed Against Happy Hill (North Central Texas Academy) Byron v. Happy Hill Farms Childrens Home, Inc. et al 11/1/2015 -salon
Video- About Turk Lawsuit Somervell County Hospital District Special Session 8/13/2015 8/13/2015 -salon
Federal Lawsuit filed by Turks Against Somervell County Hospital District and Ray Reynolds 8/7/2015 -salon
Religious News and Notes-from the Distaff Side-Coach Led Prayers Lawsuit (Hall Co GA) - 7/29/2015 7/29/2015 -salon
What about that Rehab Center That Wants to Go Downtown at Inn on the River Property? (Glen Rose) 5/6/2015 -salon
About Indemnifying Elected Board Members Against Lawsuits-D&O Insurance 3/21/2015 -salon
Is Somervell County Hospital District being sued in multiple lawsuits? 3/21/2015 -salon
What is Latest on Lawsuit Against Happy Hill (now called North Texas Academy) 11/12/2013 -salon
Happy Hill Farm aka North Central Texas Academy PR in Wake of Lawsuit 4/11/2013 -salon
Emergency Lawsuit Filed In Florida Over Long Lines At Early Voting 11/4/2012 -humanbeing
Har-De-Har-Har- Rick Perry Roundup O Day- October 13 2011 10/13/2011 -salon
New Lawsuit Against Rick Perry-State Income Tax or Not? 8/9/2011 -salon
Lawsuit Against Perry's Theocracy Party *The Response* Thrown Out for Lack of Standing 7/28/2011 -salon
Governor Rick Perry Is ROBOCALLING Texans About Cult Meeting *The Response* 7/27/2011 -salon
Freedom From Religion Foundation Files Lawsuit Against Secessionist Rick Perry's Prayer Event 7/14/2011 -salon
YES! Lawsuit Filed Against Sid Miller & Rick Perry's Sonogram/Abortion Law 6/13/2011 -salon
Texas Open Meetings Act Does NOT Restrict Freedom of Speech-Judge Rules on Lawsuit 3/26/2011 -salon
Jerry Jacene of Kingsport, TN -Where Is He Now? (March 2011)-Updated March 25 3/19/2011 -salon
Waco Trib on Whether Brian Birdwell Residency Question Was Answered in Recent Lawsuit 8/29/2010 -salon
Democrats SMACK DOWN Brian Birdwell's Response to Residency Lawsuit (Texas Senate District 22) 8/14/2010 -salon