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MIB in Small Town Glen Rose (Somervell County) 2016-Religion and Politics 10/27/2016 -salon
Politics Roundup 5/12/2016 Jon Stewart on Hillary Clinton *A Very Bright Woman Without the Courage Of Her Convictions 5/12/2016 -salon
Power Company Politics in Texas... 10/29/2013 -pstern
Extremist Politics Alive and Doing Well in Texas... 7/4/2013 -pstern
TAKE ME OVER THE CLIFF, PLEASE!! 12/20/2012 -humanbeing
Ken Burns: Romney's war on public TV is a loss for USA 11/5/2012 -humanbeing
Laughing at Mitt Romney O Day- No Whining In Politics Unless It's ME Edition August 5 2012 8/15/2012 -salon
A Follow-up on Texas Politics and Public Education 6/24/2011 -pstern
We Need More Women in Politics 6/4/2011 -humanbeing
Lessons I've Learned About Politics - December 23 2010 12/23/2010 -salon
Every So Often I Hit a Bleh Wall for Politics-And That Week is THIS week 3/22/2010 -salon
Hays County Politics --- County Judge 1/5/2010 -pstern
Contact the House Speaker to stop playing politics... 5/23/2009 -pstern
In Texas, Mother Nature and Politics are Unforgiving 5/17/2009 -pstern
Texas politics killing Texas families: a slow, painful, agonizing financial death 4/16/2009 -pstern
Texas Politics: Don't Hold Your Breath Waiting for Legislative Action 4/1/2009 -pstern
Texas Politics: Time to act with intelligence and speed 3/19/2009 -pstern
Caroline Kennedy should stay out of politics 1/7/2009 -pstern
Texas Politics Still in the Toilet? 1/5/2009 -pstern
How Being Hyper-Attentive to Politics has made me Non-Religious 12/5/2008 -salon
So.. Uh... Republican Women Weren't Involved in Politics Before Sarah Palin? 10/24/2008 -salon
Should Churches with Tax Exempt Status Be Able To Preach Politics from the Pulpit? 9/11/2008 -salon
First Time in 12 Years-Majority of Americans Want Churches to KEEP OUT Of Politics 8/21/2008 -salon
Saddleback Pastor Says He's For Separation of Church and State But Not Faith and Politics 8/19/2008 -salon
Politics: The Real Dirt on Toll Roads 5/19/2008 -pstern
Taking a Lull Break from all the Politics-At least until tomorrow 4/2/2008 -salon
Waco Preachers on the Politics and Strong Rhetoric in America's Black Churches 3/20/2008 -salon
Black Commentator on Rejecting the Clinton's Racialized Politics 3/13/2008 -salon
Hillary *Politics as Usual* Clinton Bans a Clinton ALLY from a New Hampshire Clinton Rally 2/24/2008 -salon
Texas Politics: Evolutionary or Extinct? 2/3/2008 -pstern
Oh, Please *The Hillary Moment*-Are We Fixing to see Women in Politics Tear Up All the Time? 1/13/2008 -salon
Shame on Clinton for Making the Philly Debate a *Boy's Club of Presidential Politics* Issue 11/2/2007 -salon
McCullagh's Law of Politics-As Politicians Gut Constitution, Threats of Do This Or Die Increase 10/24/2007 -salon
Where Are the Women Bloggers That Comment on Politics? Here's a List 10/15/2007 -salon
This Web Log Writer Engages in the Politics of Division 9/10/2007 -salon
Once More on HPV- The Politics and PR of Cervical Cancer, Brought to You by Merck and Women in Government 7/18/2007 -salon
FM 1826 Meeting Today was TxDOT Politics as Usual 5/5/2007 -pstern
Alternative Politics: The People Speak Out 4/12/2007 -pstern
American Politics: Evolutionary or Extinct? 4/8/2007 -pstern
Special Interest Road Bond Politics? 4/3/2007 -pstern
Revisiting the Medicare Thuggery on Seniors- Two years later *The Ugliest Night I have Ever Seen in Politics* 4/2/2007 -salon
Taking a Break from Politics for a Few Days and Watching *Mr Smith Goes to Washington* 3/28/2007 -salon
Politicians Again Play Politics 3/22/2007 -pstern
SMU-*Don't Worry, We Won't be Pro-Bush and Spread His Politics with the Bush Library* 1/9/2007 -salon
Kip Averitt (Texas SD22) Spoke at UTA about Politics- *They'll Let Anybody Do it* 12/1/2006 -salon