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George P Bush has Overreached in Role as Land Commissioner- Bosque River Chapter of DRT Expresses Disappointment 11/15/2015 -salon
Why was George P Bush Trying to Keep DRT Out of the Alamo? 8/25/2015 -salon
Rick Perry Preying on the Religious-Even George Bush Wouldn't Have Done That 7/27/2011 -salon
Rick Perry was a Cheerleader at A&M-Say, that Makes Him Like George Bush! 7/21/2011 -salon
Krauthammer wants everyone to love Bush's 'doctrine' 3/7/2011 -pstern
Bush Thinks His Biggest Failure Was not Privatizing Social Security-bwahahahahahah 10/23/2010 -salon
Obama has become the articulate Bush 6/4/2010 -pstern
Finally! Judge Rules that Bush's Illegal Warrantless Wiretapping.. was... ILLEGAL!!!! 3/31/2010 -salon
Heh! George Bush's New Career Path-Speaking at $19 per person seminars 10/21/2009 -salon
Democrats Health Plan is half as costly as Bush's Tax cuts 9/9/2009 -humanbeing
Nutty! Did People Keep Their Kids Out of School When Bush Came to the Schools? 9/3/2009 -salon
Why Didn't Bush Pardon Scooter Libby 7/23/2009 -salon
New Report Confirms it was Bush that sent Gonzales to sickbed Ashcroft's bedside 7/12/2009 -salon
Obama Continues His Bush Era Secrecy- Won't Release Transcripts of Destroyed Torture Tapes 6/9/2009 -salon
Heh! Profitting from Cindy Sheehan's Bush Protest 6/8/2009 -salon
Obama Continues to Solidify His Role as Bush's Clone- Refuses NOW to Release Torture and Abuse Photos 5/14/2009 -salon
Bush Secret Torture Memos Released FINALLY 4/16/2009 -salon
Did SMU Fraudulently Obtain Land for Bush's Library-Will Bush Have to Testify About what He Knew? 3/24/2009 -salon
Wow! This is Breathtaking-Bush Thought He Could Do Terrorist Raids Using Military IN THE UNITED STATES 3/3/2009 -salon
Obama Is LIke Bush on the Issues I Care About Most 3/2/2009 -salon
Yeah. Dallas Taxpayers Could be Paying up to 1 Mil Smacks Per Year for Bush Security 2/20/2009 -salon
Obama Channeling Bush? Wants to Change Terms AFTER LAW PASSED? 2/15/2009 -salon
Heh! Wondering What Bush Would Do as Ex? How About a Store Greeter? 2/5/2009 -salon
What's Bill Clinton's Problem? On that horrible sexist joke Poppy *Old Coot* Bush Told 1/28/2009 -salon
Peter Stern's - Bush the Worst President Ever article makes it into a Hong Kong newspaper 1/27/2009 -salon
E Tu Brute? Republican McConnell Knifes Bush in the Back 1/27/2009 -salon
The Quintiessential Bush-in Pictures from the NYTimes 1/27/2009 -salon
Ugh-Obama Sides with Bush on ILLEGALLY SPYING ON AMERICANS -Warrantless Surveillance 1/23/2009 -salon
Heh. Bush Post-Presidency 1/20/2009 -salon
Bush Leaves the White House, or, *ding-dong the witch is dead* 1/19/2009 -pstern
Throwing Shoes at Bush Effigies the Fun New Protest 1/19/2009 -salon
This Amused-From the Waco Tribune About Director for Bush Library Named 1/19/2009 -salon
Bush Commutes Sentence But Does Not Pardon the 2 Border Patrol Agents Who Killed a Mexican Drug Dealer 1/19/2009 -salon
Bush-Don't Let Any Science Questions Get Into My Briefings! 1/18/2009 -salon
I ask again-WHO are the 22 percent who APPROVE OF GEORGE BUSH? 1/18/2009 -salon
Video-Jon Stewart on Bush's Exit 1/18/2009 -salon
Audio- Not So Hard to Say Goodbye to Bush the Lesser 1/17/2009 -salon
Taxpayers foot the bill for Bush's new Dallas Office 1/16/2009 -pstern
ONe More Thing to Look forward to-Bush Removed from *Welcome to Texas* Signs 1/15/2009 -salon
Only 7 more Bush days!!! 1/15/2009 -pstern
Only 7 more Bush days!!! 1/15/2009 -pstern
Bush's Propaganda Think Tank to be Housed in Same Building as HIs Library at SMU 1/11/2009 -salon
Bush... Not Real Interested in What His Home in Dallas Looks Like 1/10/2009 -salon
Movies I've Watched Recently-Lil Bush SUCKS!!! 1/8/2009 -salon
The Bush Administration Torture Legacy 1/8/2009 -salon
Hah! Bush Wants a GATE To Keep People AWAY from Him and HIs House in Chi-Chi Preston Hollow 1/6/2009 -salon
Oh. Please. No More Bushes in Office-Not Jeb Bush 1/5/2009 -salon
Condi Rice Says Soon People Will Thank Bush For What He Has Done 12/29/2008 -salon
Bush on Vacay in Crawford This Week 12/29/2008 -salon
Bush! Please Take This Private Company's Land-Somebody Died on It 12/29/2008 -salon