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Somervell County Salon- 2017 Plans
LOVE this time of year. One thing I always like to do is consider what, if anything, I would add or change to Somervell County Salon for the upcoming year. I have some external things I want to get do.....
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Somervell County Salon 2016 Year in Review
A look back from some posts on Somervell County Salon in 2016. This is local news only, not all the political posts about Bernie Sanders, Trump or Clinton. January Zebra loose in Hood County .....
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Protesters vs Police-How Much Respect? Protesters are not *thugs*
Saw something the other day regarding Austin  people who were protesting Donald Trump's win. There was apparently one man who allegedly asaulted one of the other protestors. When the cops att.....
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I LOVE this secular holiday time of year- Thanksgiving and Xmas and New Years
Have been pondering on how, at least for Thanksgiving and Christmas, there are some factors and origins that are connected with genocide or paganism. Everyone no doubt knows that Christmas is based on.....
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Ruminations of the Easily Amused for 11/21/2016
Spending time doing other things than blogging for awhile. So many holiday season things to do, and also things around the house. Finally it's mid-November and I was able to trim all the oak .....
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Post Mortem Reflections on the 2016 Election-Who'd You Vote for? Part 2
Part 1 Part 2, here, is seeking to understand why 82 percent of the voting public in Somervell County went for Donald Trump. At least part of the answer may be that the Democratic party in Glen Ros.....
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Laugh O Day- Remember When Rick Perry Couldn't Remember the 3rd federal agency he would abolish??
Now, according to the NY Daily News, he's being considered to be head of that haha. President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team is discussing onetime Republican presidential candidat.....
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Post Mortem Reflections on the 2016 Election-Who'd You Vote for? Part 1
I am not particularly worried about Donald Trump being president. We are, after all, supposedly a democracy and the people who voted for him wanted their vote to count. But I've been pondering ove.....
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Speaking of Public Information, here are Somervell County Hospital District Videos for October 2016
Mentioned earlier that Ron Hankins whined again about people (and I believe he meant, at least in part, me) who do public information requests. He, judge and jury and apparently he believes he's d.....
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OOOO!! Somervell County Hospital District DOES NOT WANT the public to know
Your tax dollars hard at work where the current Somervell County Hospital District board wants to narrow down how much the public can inspect public records. Already knew previously that it chapped Ro.....
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