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Monarch Butterflies are Disappearing - That and Trump's Immoral Wall
We're lucky living in this county where, in the fall, there is a procession of Monarch butterflies making their way south for the winter. My yard happens to have the right type of milkweed and oth.....
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Video about Nemo, Texas from WFAA
Heh, Nemo is latin for "No One"  
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On Trump Violating the Magnitsky Act (2/11/2019)
Trump violated the law again this last week by not sending a report to Congress about who was responsible for Jamal Khashoggi's death.  McCaul Statement on Administration’s Response .....
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Southern Baptist Sex Offenders- Houston Chronicle Created an online database
Abuse of Faith SBC churches and organizations share resources and materials, and together they fund missionary trips and seminaries. Most pastors are ordained locally after they've convinced a .....
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On National Enquirer (AMI) Threatening Blackmail on Various People -Including Jeff Bezos
Who can avoid seeing National Enquirer in the checkout stand of the grocery store? Most of the headlines are pretty tired, like Jennifer Anniston still pining or being jealous about Brad Pitt years af.....
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What's Going on in Trump's Swamp Today? Oh, yeah, his hiring of illegal immigrants (2/8/2019)
Hard to keep up with how corrupt the Trump administration is, but this really takes the cake. All the while Trump is blustering in his bigoted way about the unamerican practice of trying to stop legal.....
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Turk Case Against Somervell County Hospital District and Ray Reynolds STILL Ongoing, Apparently Altered More than 3 years later- Update Feb 2019
Last update from October 2018  What is this case about?  Docket report bringing this up to today Haven't updated this case in awhile. Here's a short recap, plus you can cli.....
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When Local Government Possibly Violates the Texas Open Meetings Act # 5(Somervell County)
October 22 2018 I'm going to start calling this a category of TOMA violation, ie "What I'm about to say isn't a line item on the agenda, but it's generally connected to the bud.....
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On Difficult Navigation of the Somervell County website at http://www.somervell.co/
I have, as readers know, a particular interest in following along with local government. I believe it's not only a civic duty but a responsibility of free citizens in the United States to keep abr.....
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Danny Chambers on Expo- Business versus Hobby -from August 14 2018
Video from audio - To hear that entire meeting, click here Interesting discussion of how expenses versus revenue from the Expo Center are considered in the budget Chambers: Forgive my sarcas.....
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