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Reserving Judgement about the Mueller Report Until It's Publicly Released
The Barr report is not the Mueller Report William Barr Can't Exonerate Donald Trump AP Fact Check- Mueller Probe doesn't totally exonerate Trump THE FACTS: It was not a total vindic.....
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Trump wants to kill the Affordable Care Act- Buh-bye Protection for Pre-existing conditions
USAToday Trump’s action would be by far the most far-reaching of his presidency. Americans who have pre-existing conditions, numbering 130 million, would no longer be assured of insuranc.....
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Trump Attacks Medicare and Farmers - His Budget Requests
NY Times The Trump administration’s annual budget proposal on Mondayenvisioned a series of cuts that contrasted with the president’s own words of support for both programs and peop.....
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Sunshine Week 2019 and Anti-Slapp Law in Texas
Attempts being made via HB 2730 (Leach) , SB 2162 (Paxton)  and HB3547 (Moody) to weaken the strong Texas Citizens Participation Act RCFP New legislation would imperil Texas anti-SLA.....
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Trump the Serial Liar's Swamp for 3/1/2019
Trump lied about North Korea. Lied about it last year, lied about it yesterday. BBC North Korea has denied US President Donald Trump's claim that the country demanded total sanctions relief dur.....
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Turk Case Update- Telephone Conference Hearing Set for March 8 2019
Previous post.  PDF-order for hearing UPDATE April 2019 Update: 8/21/2019   
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Hah! There are seriously people that believe God appointed immoral unethical Trump
This is the looniest take I've seen yet from the MyPillow guy. Proving that some people will ignore all evidence of wrongdoing, and criminal behaviour in order to fall in line with religiou.....
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Texas Open Meetings Act-One Provision Struck Down by Criminal Court of Appeals
PDF Part excerpted below in the question of whether part of TOMA is unconstitutionally vague. A provision of the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA) makes it a crime if a member or group of memb.....
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How is what Google did in Midlothian Texas transparent?
There' s a reason why elected officials go into private closed session to discuss real estate deals. For one reason, real estate prices could be played with if neighbors knew a city or county was .....
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Wow! Trump Says He Didn't Need to do his Wall Emergency-So it's NOT an Emergency
This man is truly a moron, not to mention that he doesn't understand that he's not a King. Washington Post The key quote came when the Q&A portion started. Trump was challenged by NBC.....
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