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Farmer Says Tariffs Are Hurting Him (China not paying)
Why aren't more people outraged?    
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More Apparent Texas Open Meeting Violations by Ron Hankins- Somervell County Hospital District
On any agenda for an open meeting in Texas, the agenda items need to be listed, and need to be specific enough to let the public know what is going to be discussed. In other words, you can't have .....
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Video- Somervell County Commissioners Court May 13 2019
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Some Waldo Jokes
in case you don't get this joke, Ron Hankins feelings were hurt by a letter to the editor in the newspaper criticizing him and, trampling all over the free speech rights of the lady who wr.....
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The Time in 2016 When Ron Hankins Tried to Intimidate a Citizen at the Somervell County Hospital District board meeting
Had some issues a couple of years ago and lost a few posts. One of them was an instructive one from a board meeting in October 2016  in which Ron Hankins treated a local Glen Rose citizen poorly .....
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Trump Keeps on Lying about the Tariffs (Sucker Born Every Minute)
or is it if he lies every day with the same thing, his cult followers will nod their heads? First, this is a lie.  Second, China is not paying for the tariffs, US citizens are. .....
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Danny Chambers Puts Up Sign Trusting Mohammed? (Somervell County Commissioners Court)
Saw that Somervell County Commissioners Court has removed the secular sign in the commissioners courthouse with a sign that says, in part, "In God We Trust". I would bet that whoever painted.....
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Glen Rose Medical Center not getting reiumbursed for outside lab work- Why?
Back on July 31, 2016, I attended and video recorded a meeting of the Somervell County Hospital District in which the board, along with Ray Reynolds and Michael Honea, discussed signing a contract wit.....
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Shouldn't Press Releases be identified as such in newspapers? Texans Wearing Pink
Saw a press release that was sent out by Texas Health and Human Services about women wearing pink next week. This appears to by funded by the Texas Legislature and its marketing budget for HHSC. Here,.....
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Audio-Somervell County Commissioners Court-April 2019
Audio interspersed with agenda items to better figure out where on the audio the item is discussed April 8, 2019 Agenda 1. COUNTY JUDGE: SOMERVELL COUNTY JUDGE: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE .....
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