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Paul Harper offered to settle State of Texas ex rel. Best v Harper lawsuit for $68k back in 2016
On May 23, 2016 I made an offer to settle this frivolous lawsuit that was filed by George Darrell Best and the County Attorney Andrew Lucas acting on behalf of the State of Texas. I have added it to .....
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Video- Somervell County Commissioners Court Special Sessions (2) Dec 23 2019
Special Session #1 Agenda Special Session #2 Agenda  Rough Transcript: Griffin: This past Wednesday we found out that our in house interview room video and audio system has qui.....
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Top 100 Posts on Somervell County Salon for 2019
Even though it's not the very last day of the month, I don't expect these numbers to change much between now and the end of the year, so posting them now. What brought people to the site to.....
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Plans for Somervell County Salon Blog for 2020
Yes. I do this almost every year and put up things I plan to do. Most of them I haven't done.  But going to mention what I might do for the next year. First, blogs have, for the most part,.....
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Imagine you were called up for jury duty and some people said they'd already made up their mind
Think they would be chosen to be jurors, when supposedly people that sit on a jury are supposed to weigh the facts with an open mind. Bet not, and yet that is what the Senate is going with regard to t.....
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National Review on Removing Trump from Office (12/2019)
First, last week a leading christian magazine called for removing Trump (and made some very good points about how supporting Trump basically cheapens any *brand* evangelicals want to pretend to h.....
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Happy Holidays from Somervell County Salon 2019
Here's hoping that all readers of Somervell County Salon have a happy holiday over the next couple of weeks. Yesterday was the Winter Solstice Day, shortest day of the year, and of course, the rea.....
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Been Wondering- WHY didn't Somervell County Attorney Andrew Lucas have a contract with outside attorney Mackenzie
As has been mentioned before, Somervell County Attorney Andrew Lucas was deposed before the final judgment hearing in the case he pursued State of Texas ex rel Best v Harper. One of the items he was a.....
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Sheriff Logs, Jail Logs, Fire Logs from Nov 15, 2019 through Dec 18, 2019
Sheriff Logs Jail Logs Fire Log  I notice the fire log has the 2 explosions listed, including the one we all heard in the middle of the afternoon  
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*The Other* -Why Does Somervell County Hospital District Categorize Property Taxes as Other under Revenue
and not taxes. And why did Pat Bruce of the Somervell County Hospital District have to even ask what that was, since it was listed as *other*? Doesn't Ray Reynolds want people to know how much of .....
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