Appearance of Conflict of Interest re: Glen Rose Medical Center for Mike Ford of Precinct 2? Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas

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Appearance of Conflict of Interest re: Glen Rose Medical Center for Mike Ford of Precinct 2?

9 February 2009 at 1:17:50 PM

I went down to the commissioner's court this morning regarding my opinion that Mike Ford should recuse himself from any votes that involve the Glen Rose Medical Center/Foundation. The basis of my concern and what I spoke about during comments was this:

I request that Michael Ford of Precinct 2 recuse himself from any votes regarding matters pertaining to Glen Rose Medical Center/Glen Rose Medical Foundation, a non-profit foundation that leases Somervell County’s land, building and equipment for one dollar per year. 


Reasons why:

1.      On the Dr Roger E Marks Healthcare Foundation Certificate of Formation filed with the Texas Secretary of State on Jan 3, 2006 the purpose of the non profit corporation, business address at 1021 Holden St,  is stated as

                                                   i.      To enhance the level of regional healthcare by fostering goodwill within the community on behalf of Glen Rose Medical Center and its physicians and staff, to instigate and manage hospital volunteer programs, to provide health education to area residents, and to fund procurement of medical equipment, facilities, and training for Glen Rose Medical Center in order to enhance the care offered to area patients by providing the tools for modern and efficient diagnosis and treatment available close to home.

2.      Mr. Ford is listed as organizer of the foundation.

3.      On Texas Franchise Tax Public Information Report from Feb 5, 2007, also filed with the Texas Secretary of State, Mike Ford is listed as Executive Director of the foundation; again address 1021 Holden St , Glen Rose, Texas.

4.      On April 20, 2007, Michael Ford, who signed as Executive Director, filed IRS form 990-EZ for the Dr Roger E Marks Healthcare Foundation.

5.      On June 13, 2007, Michael Ford filed a Statement of Change of Registered Office to change the address of the foundation from 1021 Holden St to 4590 Highway 56 South, both of Glen Rose, Texas; signed as registered agent.

6.      As of February 7, 2009, Mike Ford is listed on the Secretary of State website as one of the directors on the management board.

7.      As of February 7, 2009, Mike Ford is listed as registered agent for the Dr Roger E Marks Healthcare Foundation on the Secretary of State website.


I am not accusing Mr. Ford of anything untoward; however, I believe he would want to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest in voting matters due both to his apparent continued affiliation with the foundation as well as the purpose, available to all on the Secretary of State’s website, which states as one facet procurement of medical equipment, facilities, etc. specifically for private foundation Glen Rose Medical Center.

Ford had told my hub in the morning that he had resigned already from the Foundation. But even after being asked twice, he failed to provide the date he resigned. So, in order both to be fair and let him know I planned to speak about this publicly as well as get the answer to that question, I asked him when he resigned. He said he didn't know when it was. I said that I thought that there should be a letter of resignation or board minutes, etc, but no, there is no paper record. I told him that, as it stands, he is the registered agent and on the board for anyone who wants to publicly look at the Dr Roger E Marks Healthcare Foundation, and if he indeed is not on the board, then certainly that information is not correct legally. Also, since, in Dr Marks obituary in the Hood County News, Jesse Pruitt solicited donations to the foundation with an address that corresponds to the GRMC, I find it curious that Pruitt is nowhere mentioned on any official filed documents with the SOS (plus, also remember that is not even the address of the foundation, the address corresponds, I believe, with Mike Ford's home address). Ford has said by reason of not donating money that is not a conflict of interest but frankly, when the purpose of the Foundation is specifically FOR one privately run entity, the Glen Rose Medical Center, and one purpose is to procure equipment, facilities, etc, I believe it IS a conflict of interest to be both on the Foundation and a county commissioner who makes voting decisions about spending taxpayer money, including the 14.5 million dollars via a certificate of obligation last year.

Judge Maynard said he would be referring this to the attorney to look at.

Reminder to get out and vote about the hospital district. I have already voted NO/AGAINST the hospital district.

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