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Kathy Miller Texas Freedom Network mP3
Nan Clayton mP3 League of Women Voters. Supernatural doesn't belong in science classes. Texas home of NASA, medical facilities
Francis EBerle mP3 He wasn't there so someone spoke for him, National Sciences Teachers Association. 60,000 members, 3000 in Texas. strengths and weaknesses is redundant in science.
Claire Wolner mP3 support teacs wording on 1st draft. 1860 no one would have guessed. germs washing hands, cell theory didn't know that cells come from pre-existing cslls. 2008 wouldn't waste time teaching strengths and weaknesses of cell theory. Not controversial, very well understood. sound science. Evolultion is acctped. Even in 1860 no one spoke of strengths and weaknesses.
John Yeaman mP3 Retired clergyman. Lowe asked him if he knew what a polystrate fossil was, ala graduated geological columns.
Jay Brown mP3 Shiner Texas. More interested in knowledge of a physician than in what he believes.
Shannon Headley mP3 Research scientist UT Austin. Kids compete successfully, HS define science based on National Academy of Science statndards. Supernatural explanations are outside the purvue of science. Soul can't be proven by scientific principles. Evolution explains diversity-no valid scientific challenges to evolution. Don't want HS biology teachers teaching my kids matters of faith
Robert Baumfeld mP3 United Methodist minister now Mental Health Care worker. Told the Million Dollars/Day joke.
Anna Bonheim mP3 establishment clauses-blurring the line that keeps religion and government separate
Joan Richards mP3 UTA retired biology. Science uses observation evidence, testing under different conditions, many theories are also well-established. Many people of faith believe in evolution. TEA has invited a court battle. Got a question about academic freedom-intelligent design has led to lawsuits due to language. Why concerned-because the TBOE is about to adopt new textbooks. She didn't have her child go to public school.
Weattherington mP3 Science at U level. added phrase analyze and evaluate, new working specifically narrows to s&w. used to cast doubt on scientific theories because of evolution. Newton laws are an example. Trivializes scientific teaching. Supportive or non-supportive? Evaluate evidence favorable or non-favorable. Sept-original wording should be sufficient.