Navel-Gazing Saturday Morning-Why I Write This BlogSomervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas

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Navel-Gazing Saturday Morning-Why I Write This Blog

30 June 2007 at 9:03:17 AM

I was reading Who's Playin's blog post and was thinking about this bit from it.

I had started writing a bit of an outline as to where I hoped for the website to go, and the niche I wanted it to fill, but it sits in the folder of unposted items, still waiting for me to finish. I suppose that if I had to do this for a living, it would be no fun. The joy in blogging is writing about what you want when you want to. I have no deadlines, and I have no mandates of "must cover" materials....

One of the things that has hit me pretty hard lately - a gut shot, if you will- is that I cannot change the world by myself. I know it sounds simple, but a lot of times, I find myself highly frustrated when I don't see people stepping up to the plate to take on tough issues, or stand up to politicians that let us down, or sell us out. In the course of my coverage of the Lewisville Council elections, and in my time in the Democratic Party, I've learned so much that it's humbling. Basically in a nutshell, what I've learned is that each person should do what they can do at the level they can do it, and not try to bite off too much.

Somervell County Salon has been up since March of 2005 and the main reason I started it is that I wanted to write about things that interested me about living here, in a mainly political context. Like, I wanted to write about county commissioner and city council meetings, as well as national politics. I figure that's the value of a local blog but it might also be a roadblock to a huge number of eyeballs reading. That's okay with me, because 1. I write what I want to when I want to and 2. I'm not trying to be the be-all and end-all of blogs, just one writer with a viewpoint in Somervell County. I can't speak for the other 3 writers here, who may and probably *will* have different reasons for writing. I might get into my cynicism about what must change for our democracy to truly work, but suffice it for now to say that I cannot NOT speak about some things that are important to me because I strongly believe in the maxim that he who is slient is assumed to consent.

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