Latest on Glen Rose Medical Center Lab Outsourcing from Dec 5 2019 Somervell County Hospital District MeetingSomervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas
Reynolds: Lab outsourcing, there's really nothing to add there. We include that with the Blue Cross issue. We're working diligently, the business office is working diligently to get the spreadsheet prepared for the information that the attorney wants to review prior to any action being taken. In terms of the contract with the Attorney General, sent to the Attorney General, the attorney general sent back a list of questions that need to be answered for their consideration. Kevin Reed coordinated that and those quesitons were answered and returned to the Attorney General so that process is moving forward. We have a final date of February 6 so that process is moving forward. The main thing is that our staff is working to get the detailed information the attorney requested, both from us and from the people... get that spreadsheet completed, it's moving forward.