So Today in Corruption has two men from the Ukraine that were working with Rudy Guiliani to , hah, expose corruption, were arrested for corruption. That would be Parnas and Fruman. They've been arrested while at the airport, and apparently US Attorney General Bill Barr has been aware of the investigation into these crooks since at least this last February
What is really interesting as well is that Pete Sessions, former Congressman from Dallas, is implicated . He apparently was approached by Parnas and Fruman to write the Ukraine govt a letter to get the US Ambassador to Ukraine removed, and then, miraculoulsly, a few months later, a whole bunch of money was given to his campaign by a Republican PAC.
Here's an article about Rudy Guiliani, who is now under criminal investigation, headlining a Pete Sessions fundraiser on Sep 12 2018
Incidentally, the same amount from the same PAC went to Kevin McCarthy