Here's the IG report - PDF
New IG report rebukes Comey — and debunks Trump
But the report also discloses that the FBI has declined to prosecute Comey for these violations, and — notably — it says there is “no evidence” that he or his attorneys leaked classified information.
That last point is key, because Trump has accused Comey of exactly that, and repeatedly — at least 10 times over two years, according to a review of Trump’s comments.
“James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media,” Trump tweeted July 10, 2017, shortly after news broke of the leak. “That is so illegal!”
So Trump was just smearing and lying about Comey.
What's kind of hilarious but not surprising for Trump, is that he turned around that same day and tweeted classified information on his twitter feed.
As he said re: Comey
“He leaked classified information,” Trump told Sean Hannity in March of this year. “Well, if somebody in our team leaked classified information, it would be years in jail.”
Even though Trump was lying, that doesn't mean the IG report was good for Comey
Comey’s tweets mask the severity of his rebuke. Even if Trump’s accusation was characteristically 0 and overcooked, that doesn’t mean the report is good for Comey. It describes him engaging in behavior that clearly violates department policy and sets “a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees.”