The idea is that Prop 1 and 7 funds would be spent on the non-tolled main lanes, while the new toll lanes next to them would be funded through gas tax revenue or federal loans that don't come with restrictions on using them for toll projects.
Transportation officials say funding the managed lanes with federal loans backed by toll revenues, while adding non-tolled main lanes with tax dollars, would help TxDOT build more capacity with limited funds.
Right. Let's remember what you VOTED FOR
At issue is billions of tax dollars that Texas voters in 2014 and 2015 overwhelmingly agreed to spend on highway projects. Those constitutional amendments steered existing sales taxes and oil and gas taxes to the transportation agency, which now stands to receive an additional $7.2 billion in the next two years.
The landslide support of Propositions 1 and 7 came in part because the state touted the fact that the money would be constitutionally forbidden from being spent on toll lanes.
Better let your Texas Rep and Senator know to cut this out.