Speaking of Public Information, here are Somervell County Hospital District Videos for October 2016 Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas
What I care about specifically with regard to hospital district videos is why they aren't being posted promptly and why I had to do an open records request to apparently jar Ray Reynolds into having them uploaded. There was a meeting that took place on October 27, 2016. I like, if I can, to record the meetings, even though I think people are treated poorly at them, but wasn't able to go for this one. In the law that applies to larger cities, videos are required to be posted online within 7 days; doesn't apply to Glen Rose since we are such a small county. My point, though, is that certainly 7 days is a longest appropriate time to allow interested citizens to watch and see what's going on in a timely fashion. It's particularly important because, in my experience recording the meetings over this past year, there has only been one time that anyone from the Glen Rose Reporter even showed up.
I can't say that I was looking every day at Youtube, but finally on November 13, 2016, I sent an open records request to Ray Reynolds.
I am requesting to get a CD copy of the video of the Oct 27, 2016 regular Somervell County Hospital District meeting. I am happy to be directed to the Somervell County Hospital District Youtube channel, but, although the meeting happened over 3 weeks ago, the video has not yet been posted.
I asked him if he had gotten my email request the next day and he said that the videos "should be on Youtube". Which they finally were. 18 days later.
If you wanted to know what happened at the Somervell County Hospital District board meeting in any type of timely fashion, you would not have been able to do so. I do appreciate Mr Reynolds having the video posted after I asked, but why should I have to ask at all? If it's a priority for the Somervell County Hospital District board to try to limit what people can know from open records requests, and yet for me I had to DO an open records request to ask for the video to be posted, isn't this in contradiction to the spirit of the Texas Public Information Act? I hope that the meeting that is going to occur tomorrow night will be posted promptly on Youtube.