Nitpicking Budget, Somervell County Hospital District? REALLY?????????????
14 October 2016 at 8:31:46 AM
At a recent public hearing about the tax rate, a citizen attended and said, basically, that it was time to "nitpick every dime". Dwayne Griffin said that they had. I call BS on that. At one of the first Somervell County Hospital District meetings, the entire board voted not to have committee meetings, including budget and finance. They didn't even have an overall budget meeting until the 20th of September, at which meeting they had to follow along on the screen rather than have a printed out copy to look at and mark.Some good questions were asked at that meeting, but why did the board violate the bylaws by not having budget meetings all the way along and particularly waiting till the point where legally the budget had to be approved in a short perioed of time? At one point, Dwayne Griffin said he was asking for a special meeting to discuss doctor salaries and operations. Nothing came of that. In my opinion, it was highly irresponsible for the board to abdicate responsibility for *nitpicking* the budget and leaving it to what and how Ray Reynolds wanted to present once a month in board meetings.