Video-CFO Report- Becky Whitsitt on Glen Rose Medical Center Finances/Dashboard July 2016Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas
Video-CFO Report- Becky Whitsitt on Glen Rose Medical Center Finances/Dashboard July 2016
31 July 2016 at 8:28:17 AM
Rough Transcript (watch video for exact)
Whitsitt: Look at power point, for June. Down just a couple admissions. Financial Decisisons, savings on salaries, benefits, net revenue down Hospital 974,419 budget 1046,566. Days of cash on hand 8 budget 45+. Cash collections 100 percent. Cash Flow statement, no significant from grants, UC, cash deficit of a little over 400,000. 3 payrolls that actually paid in June.
501a. Cash surplus 168,000 consolidated down 230,000 dollars That's it for powerpoint
Hospital income statement p 10. We were 300,000 under budget in inpatient.Almost made up for that in outpatient and senior care. Expenses were under budget 85,000 in June. net income 75,970.10 on hospital side.
Pecan Plantation. Expenses 29,000 over budget (high) from renovation, allocating that out for a few months.
Income statement 501a. 124,761 under budget on revenue, expenses also under budget. leaving clinic with net loss of 95,608.00