Some Glen Rose Medical Center Salary Information Buried in Part of the 501a Budget Listing (2015)Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas
Some Glen Rose Medical Center Salary Information Buried in Part of the 501a Budget Listing (2015)
2 October 2015 at 4:58:32 PM
Rough transcript
Harrison: Budget and finance committee have presented to the board the budget that we've worked on in our budget workshop
Harper: I have a couple of questions. Under administration, your salary, it shows $112,000?
Reynolds: No, there's another allocation. So that salary is allocated to 2 other departments.
Harper: So your entire salary is not $112,000?
Reynolds: It's more than that
Harper: Where's the rest of the money coming from?
Whitsett: WE allocate to the clinic. We allocate some of the accounting salaries, some of the (locking?) salries, some of the HR salaries are allocated to the clinic.
Harper: So, where in here?
Whitsett- actually under the Purchase Services for the clinic because they are purchasing our services.. makes up some of the purchases services for the clinic.
Harper: What tab is this under?
Whitsett: Very last tab which is the general department. $165,000.
Harper: How much of that is the administrator's salary?
Whitsett-I have to go pull that up, I can do that
Reynolds: We covered all this in our budget workshop. Total salary, is that what you're asking for?
Harrison: Prior to the budget workshop, I know there was a point that Eugene had asked for salaries and Paul had asked for salaries and those were provided. I think I've probably also seen one on the internet.
Harper: So why is it under purchase services?
Whitsett-we're just allocating a part of the salary over to the clinic so we call it a purchase service
Harrison: Because of his administrative role over the 501a.
Reynolds: Total salary is $158,000
Harper: So the clinic's paying 46,000. 46,000 of that purchase allocation is yours.
Reynolds Whatever
Harrison: I think there's other places that split, other places that Rey's salary comes from, right?
Whitsett: No, the allocation is just between the clinic and the hospital. Accounting, some of my salary is allocated, PR, housekeeping, there's several things