Liz Morgan- Yes, the Glen Rose Medical Center Director Who Pled Guilty to a 3rd Degree Felony-'s Personnel File Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas

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Liz Morgan- Yes, the Glen Rose Medical Center Director Who Pled Guilty to a 3rd Degree Felony-'s Personnel File

28 August 2015 at 12:21:07 AM

Background because, you know, it was only in May of this year that Elizabeth Morgan pled guilty to a 3rd degree felony because of taking over 55 k FROM A CHURCH and is STILL in a position of prominence at Glen Rose Medical Center, where she not only is the HIPAA privacy officer but in charge of patient records. Also read this about what she did when her daughter took a picture of one of Glen Rose Medical Center's patients in a body bag

P.S. Does Glen Rose Medical Center need some new employees? Since they apparently prefer felons, their next stop should be the prisons.

Here's her personnel file. 

Did she work to minimize the potential risk of privacy when her daughter took that pic and posted it on Instagram? 

Because of course the woman who excuses her daughter taking pictures of patients in body bags is Just the Right Person to do training to tell others about Patient Privacy and HIPAA compliance. Ugh. 

 For some reason, although she worked directly for Ray Reynolds, in March 2015 (AFTER the grand jury returned its indictment but before her plea deal in May) she got moved to working for Kelly Van Zandt. Did Reynolds feel uncomfortable with having her as a direct report? Who knows since there's no reason checked on this Payroll Status Change report.

Note that AFTER she pled guilty and got a plea bargain in which she is on probation for the NEXT TEN YEARS, she got a 2 percent raise. Because Glen Rose Medical Center rewards felons and keeps in positions of power and trust. 

Now here's an interesting question I wonder about. When she applied for the job, she was told that her background would be checked for a criminal history.

Presumably she might not have gotten such a great position if she did THEN what she did DURING THE SAME TIME SHE WAS working directly for Ray Reynolds. Unless GRMC is in the habit of giving people who plead guilty to 3rd degree felonies for stealing money from a CHURCH positions of trust that involve patient records, then why does she CONTINUE to have this job now that she's been found out? 

Her date of hire was 8/19/2013. This was during the same time she was STEALING from Cottonwood Baptist Church but hadn't been caught yet. 

Here's what the grand jury said

"Unlawfully appropriate by acquiring or otherwise exercising control over property, to-wit: United States currentcy from Mike Easter, the owner thereof, without the effective consent of the owner, and with intent to deprive the owner of the property., and it is further presented in and to said court that all of the said amounts were obtained pursuant to one scheme or continuing course of conduct from August 31, 2011 to November 13, 2013 and the aggregate value of the property obtained was $20,000 or more but less than $100,000." -

Gee. Did her felony case distract her from her job? Wondering, did she serve any jail time that might have interfered with her GRMC duties? 

Uh.... No... Just No.


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