Did an open records request asking for the police records for Liz Morgan of Glen Rose Medical CenterSomervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas

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Did an open records request asking for the police records for Liz Morgan of Glen Rose Medical Center

13 August 2015 at 5:49:07 PM

Somervell County Sheriff's Department is asking the Texas Attorney General for an opinion about whether they should have to release them.

Liz Morgan is the Director of Human Management Information (patient record) and HIPAA (Privacy) Officer for Glen Rose Medical Center. As noted on this previous post, she, in May, pled guilty to a 3rd degree felony for taking over $55,000 from Cottonwood Baptist Church while she was treasurer there. She continues to work in that position. 

Here's part of that request

Anyone else but me see the irony of the request to keep her casefile private? "Common law privacy protects information if (1) the information contains highly intimate or embarrassing facts, the publication of which would be objectionable to a reasonable person and (2) the information is not of legitimate concern to the public".

Really? So this is about the  DIRECTOR of patient information and HIPAA privacy officer at Glen Rose Medical Center who deals with highly intimate and embarrassing facts all day long because she in in charge of YOUR patient data. A bit of an irony there, eh? I say the information IS of legitimate concern to the public, because, first, she works for a public hospital that my taxes and yours pay for, in a position of trust and responsbility after fraudulently taking money, not just from some convenience store, but from a CHURCH. A church, at least to me, is an environment in which the parishoners want to trust the person who is tallying up and depositing money from their collection plates, and including tithing monies. I believe it is of definite concern to the public to read about what she did, how she was caught, etc. Why is she still working at the hospital? It is not as if her probation is done and her deferred adjudication for the 3rd degree felony is finally not looming as a penalty-she has 10 years to go. The public has a right to see and know. Frankly, I can't imagine any situation in which she would be kept on, and especially in that position. 

here is the original offense report

Here is the arrest document. 


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Here's a link to the police report. 

" width="60" style="float: left" >1 - salon   30 Oct 2015 @ 11:17:15 AM 

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