I notice there's an executive session item about a personnel issue. Could this be about Liz Morgan who pleaded guilty to a 3rd degree felony charge and is on probation for the next 10 years?
About an intergovernmental agreement with Hood County to presumably ensure it is legal to operate and spend money in another district's territory. I'm looking forward to hearing about this. About a week ago, I called up one of the Hood County hospital board members and she told me there had never been, to her knowledge, anything on their board agenda about forming an agreement with Somervell County. Seems to me that, since Somervell County hospital district wants to try to spend a bunch of money of Somervell County taxpayers in Hood County, knowing that there's permissoin to do so ought to be done BEFORe anything else, including approving a budget.
AND Somervell County wants to spend MORE money at Pecan Family Medical Center on additional leasing space. Ugh
Appears to me that one of the agenda items has to do with insuring board members against lawsuits, including frivolous ones. Does this mean the board is not insured?
And, hah, what's the item about same sex marriage? That ought to be good!