My (Salon) Testimony to District Court in Best v Harper-Jan 8 2015Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas

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Temporary Suspension Over
My (Salon) Testimony to District Court in Best v Harper-Jan 8 2015

10 January 2015 at 9:44:13 AM

I was the only witness on the stand on January 8th, for probably an hour and a half at the temporary suspension hearing for Best v Harper. The reason I was called as a witness to testify is that the petitioner has 0ly claimed that my husband wrote a post that I actually wrote, under my screenname *salon*,  entitled "Shame on you, Chip Harrison...". (As a side note, there are affidavits in the anti-slapp motion regarding who wrote the posts. 

 Among other things, Andy Lucas asked me about who posted the above "Shame on you post" (me, as I am the ONLY person that posts under the screen name *salon*), domains (which ALL are listed under my husband's name as registrar, since we get a discount for multiple domains), whether my husband controls  or what I post on it. He does NOT. It is MY subdomain, I developed it, designed it, created SQL tables, language in ASP classic and javascript: I am the owner and manager of that subdomain as well as many others; my background is as a network systems engineer.

Lucas also asked about what time my husband came home and told me about what happened at the meeting on August 21, 2014 (after I ASKED of course WHAT HAPPENED AT THE MEETING ), what time did I write the post, did my husband write it AS me or did he tell me what to write (NO! I'm an adult and I write my OWN posts), did I read my husband’s text messages (no, I didn't), if my husband is a poster on the site (I said yes, among 39 top level posters and over 1400 distinct commenters-at right is an example of what the page looked like, via on July 23, 2011-note the # of posters, 10, who did top level posts, AND  also note the pics with the screen name. Some people put up pics with their profile, some didn't, they ALL did that themselves IF they wanted a pic ). Lucas wanted to know how pictures on profiles are done, I explained in the same way that other social media sites, including Facebook,  do it-someone puts a photo on his or her profile when registering, and the photo is automatically added to the post without specific intervention. Lucas asked me if I had removed my husband’s photo and substituted my own and I said, no, I ALWAYS for YEARS have had my photo with my own posts. (When I got home I wondered why the fool the exhibit Lucas showed me DIDN’T have my photo, since every single thing I post has the photo of me with a dino behind it, and I realized it’s because someone had done a screen scrape instead of a screen capture. As my husband’s attorney showed, even though the plaintiff's exhibit wasn’t correct, my screen name of *salon* was on the post.) In fact, I made a VIDEO about this the other day, WATCH how this happens.

I also testified that I have a long history of talking about the 501a doctor’s agreement. I recorded the Somervell County Commissioners Court meeting in 2009 in which the auditor talked about the terms of doctors getting taxpayer money (optionally), did lots of open records requests,  got a copy of the contract, and in August 2013, after hearing that the CFO of Glen Rose Medical Center was essentially not following the contract, sent a complaint to the sheriff’s department, which the sheriff brought up with Andy Lucas (I have the emails).  I brought up the fact that I personally believe that ANY entity should follow a signed, written contract (to include  when the GREDC/4b voted to give $80,000 to Land of the Dinosaurs without a contract). In every one of those above instances, I ALWAYS posted as *salon*, it was ONLY me that wrote those posts with my OWN thoughts and opinions; my husband posts under his own screen name with his own opinions.

For some reason, Andrew Lucas asked me to read my post out loud, I was happy to do it since I wrote it and I stand behind what I write. He asked  if I have all the same political opinions as my husband and I said, no, although it’s not surprising if we DO have a lot of the same opinions, we are married, after all. He asked if I had all the same opinions as my husband about hospital business and I said no. My husband’s attorney then showed Lucas an email I had written after that to the newspaper sent at 11:25 pm that same night, with MY email and MY name.

Lucas was apparently not aware that I had also written a letter to the editor that same night after I wrote the post, under my own name and email, ALSO about the slush fund.That letter said basically the SAME THING I said in my blog post.

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