Got a chance to listen to the last Somervell County Hospital District meeting today after asking a board member for a copy of the video.Incidentally, I think I"m going to ask one of the board members to put something on the agenda for me. as a citizen; that is, discuss and take action to adopt some kind of civility rules, especially since board president Chip Harrison will not stop either the rowdy audience from outbursts nor ask that board members treat each other with civility, even when they don't agree.

One of the board members in particular is creepily hostile, plays to the audience and encourages outbursts, and insinuates stuff about others in nasty tones of voice. You would think he would have learned from years of public experience how to behave in public but obviously not-perhaps civility rules such as these adopted in NJ would help to educate him. Someone also told me that one of the audience members goes up to the front when the board retires into executive session and acts like it's his own show by talking to the audience instead of staying in his seat or taking it outside. No shame, eh? That's why I call it a Zoo.
CEO Report
CFO Report
Agenda Packets posted with agendas before meetings?
Check Registers to be looked at in the budget and finance committee
Torch Agreement
501a Contract (Glen Rose Healthcare Inc)
And here's the link to one about the minutes