501a (Glen Rose Healthcare Inc) Exists to provide financial support (shortfall) to doctors (Video: Ray Reynolds)Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas

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501a (Glen Rose Healthcare Inc) Exists to provide financial support (shortfall) to doctors (Video: Ray Reynolds)

23 September 2014 at 8:23:09 PM

Background on the 501a slush fund.Ray Reynolds says the reason for the contract with the 501a is for shortfall money.

Since, as Mr Reynolds explains, the 501a is a separate organization, NOT part of Glen Rose Medical Center/Somervell County Hospital District, but has a contract instead (which, as you might remember, Mr Reynolds is not following and 4/3 the Somervell County Hospital District voted not to follow), what role exactly does the District board play with regard to decisions on the 501a? I mean, Karen Burroughs is the president of Glen Rose Healthcare Inc but I can't see in any video I've watched that she has mentioned that, seems like she should recuse herself from any votes that involve the 501a. The board members also didn't know that they were *members* (and, really, ARE they? If they are, then Ray Reynolds needs to say so clearly so that board members will attend the 501a board meetings as members) so they were never alerted or invited to go to the meetings. IF the 501a was PART of the district (example, suppose the doctors worked directly for the district) then attending board meetings would be critical. I asked if there was anything in the orientation book that indicated that Somervell County Hospital District were voting members (or could be) on the Glen Rose Healthcare Inc board and there is not, although there is apparently bylaws for this separate organization. In other words, what is the exact arrangement for whoever this *member* is? Is it Ray Reynolds? It certainly does not appear to be any of the elected District members. 

Let me add that one of the reasons I'm really disturbed that Mr Reynolds (and now the board) are NOT following the part of the 501a contract which REQUIRES showing HOW money that went from taxpayers was used by the doctors, is that it becomes entirely difficult to figure out if the money is being used for a legitimate purpose. For example, remember when Glen Rose Healthcare Inc paid for a video which was shown in a Somervell County Commissioners Court meeting and which had the viewpoint that the public should vote for a hospital district?

Watch the last part where Dr Mark Davis shills for the district. This was pre-election, but since money was given to the 501a without accountability, how can any of us possibly know if we paid for our own propaganda? (Not to mention whether it was appropriate to do politicking AT a Somervell County Commissioners Court meeting)

Or, turning this around, why in the world, especially since the contract specifies that the HOW of the money is required IF it is given, aren't all involved living up to doing this FOR the taxpayer? It almost seems like they're trying to hide something. 


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