Mike Ford and Prometheus- Email Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas

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Mike Ford and Prometheus- Email

20 March 2014 at 5:00:16 PM

What exactly did we give away to Prometheus? And did Governor Rick Perry BRIBE them with 5 million bucks to come to Texas? What is THAT?

From that same Glen Rose Reporter article linked above. What did Ole Mike Ford (who thankfully is almost GONE) do? Held a PRIVATE MEETING in which a bunch of people were invited... Ooops, but NOT the public. Correction. This was a public special session meeting, but look how Mike Ford tried to make it a select group for a PRIVATE meeting. What I object to is that Mike Ford decided to use his office to create a form letter to specifically invite people as opposed to just having people show up because it was listed as a meeting. This clearly goes against the intent of open meetings that are held for ALL to attend and learn. Here's that form letter

Notice that these people were given special invitations.

"I need to know how you and other successful individuals assess the potential of this new approach to economic development. I am convening an informational meeting of citizens, leaders and stakeholders who have an understanding of how important economic development is. This meeting will be attended by a limited number of invited participants..... I am asking you to give up a couple of hours to support this project for the benefit of the citizens of Somervell County"

How arrogant is Mr Ford? The people he invited are the ones, essentially, that support what he is doing, and "understand how important economic development is", as opposed to the rest of us schlubs that are not deemed worthy or perhaps he thinks others in the community are not smart enough to understand his point of view... Also, note that, rather than making sure EVERYONE attended, this select group of invited people would be doing this FOR the benefit of citizens. Blah.

Much of the discussion about the weapons manufacturer occurred at a private meeting, with the individuals involved being required to sign a nondisclosure agreement. Ford said the meeting, which occurred Dec. 2013, included about a dozen individuals - state, county, city, school district and law enforcement officials. He told commissioners the entire court was not invited to that meeting because a quorum would have led to a required public meeting, silencing the discussions all together.

And then he stiffed his so-called pals,one of which wanted to get his OWN good corporate welfare deal.

Looking at the M Companies, an agreement with Prometheus Solutions could infringe upon a 2013 agreement with Williams, which was approved by commissioners for the expansion of MesaTech Corporation. The agreement included first rights of refusal on the property adjacent to the existing headquarters of the M Companies - MW Supply, MesaTech and Magnitude Real Estate, L.P. - within the industrial park.

"Although we still await another portion of the agreement, with full confidence in our partners, we moved ahead with construction, purchasing and hiring to honor our commitment - an additional $1.2 million in investments and six jobs," Williams wrote in a letter to the Reporter this week - Jan. 29. "For this, the city executed beyond expectation, and the county agreed to some tax abatements, to give us 2.5 acres and 'first right of refusal' on the land next to us."

That land is part of the 15 acres included in the Jan. 13 RFP, related to Prometheus.

Williams said he knew nothing of the issue until reading about it in the Reporter, and it has left him wondering if the months-old agreement between MesaTech and the county is intact. See a letter to the editor from Williams on page A4.

"Suffice to say that, as we complete our new expansion, purchase equipment and hire new team members (all the while still awaiting a written agreement), seeing in the Glen Rose Reporter that our “first right of refusal” will be deeded to a company with no finished product, customer, contract or even a website or references leaves us dumbfounded," Williams said.

Ford agreed there was a verbal agreement with Williams that was never made into a legal document. But Ford said he spoke with Williams, asking if he would be willing to give up his rights of refusal.

"He did say yes," Ford said, adding he was not sure when the two men spoke and that Williams may have felt forced into agreeing. "Mike is a good friend and a great friend to the county, it really bothers me that he is upset about this."

But Williams is more than bothered about his personal business. He is concerned about the deal and a potential negative impact on the county.

Prometheus has never manufactured a product, according to Green. He said having a "bricks and mortar" location would allow the company to better market its product, seek financial backing and forge ahead into the manufacturing process.


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1 - pharper   21 Mar 2014 @ 10:50:41 AM 

Meanwhile Mike Ford moves out of Somervell County where he is increasing people's taxes and moves into Hood County where his taxes are cheaper, not to mention the Pecan Clinic we are paying for that he gets to use while we can't even look at it.

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