Blank Check Syndrome from Glen Rose Medical Center Re: 501a? Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas

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Blank Check Syndrome from Glen Rose Medical Center Re: 501a?

27 August 2013 at 8:33:03 PM

Mentioned the other day that Glen Rose Medical Center has given quite a bit of money to the 501a doctor organization, Glen Rose Healthcare Inc. Since there was supposedly an agreement between the 501a and GRMC to help out if they needed supplemental income, I figured there must be a written agreement that spelled this out. Nope. So, then I thought, well, there are some specific transactions that occurred when GRMC transferred money to the 501a. I asked via Open Records Reques for the written requisitions from 501a asking for the money, along with what it would be spent for. Since the money is not a consistent amount, seems like it would have to be requested somehow, yes?

I am requesting, in digital, electronic, format, copies of the following:

All written requests, itemized or otherwise, from Glen Rose Healthcare Inc (ie, 501a) to Somervell County Hospital Authority or other written documents that reference and detail the purpose of the monetary transfers below coming from the 501a or any representatives of same, that created the money transfers from Hosp Auth to 501a Oper, transfer dates being

6/19/13 Tracking ID 934908 Description Hosp Auth to 501a Oper $10,000

6/20/13 Tracking ID 936579 Description Hosp Auth to 501a Oper $5,000

7/19/13 Tracking ID 987193 Description Hosp Auth to 501a Oper $7,000

7/22/13 Tracking ID: 992710 Description Hosp Auth to 501a Oper $20,0000

The first answer I got said this:

Per you request, all transfers were for financial/operational support.

I said, no, I wasn't asking what the transfers were for, I asked for copies of the written requests that were made by the 501a asking for the amounts shown below.


There are no written requests or other written documentation from Glen Rose Healthcare, Inc. to Somervell County Hospital Authority which detail the purpose of the monetary transfers you specifically listed in your open records request.

So the question remains. HOW DID the doctors ask for the money that GRMC transferred into their account, WHERE is the written requisition that shows what they were asking for, with presumably a breakdown of why they needed, say, an extra $20,000? And wouldn't this always be something that should be brought up in a meeting, easy for taxpaying citizens to learn of and examine.

One More Answer:

The CFO manages cash for both the hospital and the 501(a). When payroll or accounts payable are prepared for the hospital and the 501(a) an analysis of avaiable cash is made.  If there is not available cash in the 501(a) account to meet the requirements of the 501(a), the CFO makes a transfer of cash from the hospital operating account to the 501(a) operating account.  A formal request is not made. The transfer of cash is recorded by journal entry and the running total is recorded in the due to and due from balance sheet accounts of both the 501(a) and the Glen Rose Medical Center.

It may be that the 501a reports that are part of the meeting each month get detailed on this, but then, if they did, that would be in writing, yes, which Ray Reynolds says doesn't exist. Either there are details in writing, as requested by the doctors and included in *something* or there is not. If there actually is not, then who is doing due diligence and oversight to not only be sure that the requests are worthy but revealing them to the public so we know where our money is going? For example, we already know that someone created a public relations video to push the hospital district early last year, long before anyone had made a decision about whether to go for it and long before a PAC was created. If, say, the 501a doctors created it, and because we have no way of knowing right now whether any of this shortfall money that went to them might have actually paid for it, then why would it be okay to pay for our own propaganda on a particular political side? (I have to assume that there's no way the Authority Board would have created or paid for that video, as that would be grossly irresponsible).

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1 - salon   22 Oct 2013 @ 10:34:54 AM 

Update: Greg Doyle has sent this over to County Attorney Andy Lucas to look at.

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2 - salon   5 Jun 2014 @ 8:15:05 AM 

Slush Fund Update: Although GRMC had said at the time I asked through a public information request for the 501a management contract that there wasn't one, they were not correct. I actually found that I had asked for the contract in 2010. Forgot to update this with the contract link. 

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3 - concernedcitizen   5 Jun 2014 @ 9:19:19 PM 

So has the transfers have been occurring for the last 4 years?
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