For Glen Rose Medical Center's operations in January through February 2010. (Item 16 on the Somervell County Commissioner's Court agenda).
My rough transcript here -listen to the audio to be certain. (about 10 minutes) Also copy of PDF request here.
Darrell Morrison. Cash position for month of January 2010-$294,024.85 request for court.Approved at Authority board meeeting of Jan 26th-policy is from the hospital board, and not a county policy. Receipts vs Expenditures in handout. Net cash flow loss of $268,444.00. February 2010 $25,000 negative cash flow. This is a request. Mike Ford-my understanding you are looking at or have contracted to do a 3 month audit for last 3 months up to this point. Larry Shaw- have advertised for RFP on financial audit for first 3 months of fiscal year (last 3 months of calendar year) readvertising for additional responses-whole board has not seen the responses. Finance committee-going to talk to an additional audit committee.. feel it necessary to use a different firm for the time being to have an independent view for it. Will probably act on it in 2 weeks. Have contracted for operational audit (Garry Whittle subcommiteee dealing with that. ) .. may contract with that firm to deal with it. Ford- request from finance committee or board as a whole? Shaw- January you will see numbers are not indicative as year as a whole. Way behind our original projection of a 1 million dollar loss for the year. Barnard-some money coming from Medicare? Shaw-85,000 due this month, just received 110, 000. More to do with cash flow than operations, need to pay some bills, not prepared to do that wihout your assistance at this time. Mike Ford-I make a motion that we approve the request. Zach cummings second. Lloyd Wirt-Ray elaborate. January 2 issues- revenue was 200,000 below December and January, surgery volume down, back up in February. Cash side historically a low collection month for us. Combination of 2 areas. Maynard-next month bring some examples of cost savings that you have done. Barnard-operational audit should increase efficience? Answer Possibly (not sure who said that). Ray has been doing efficiency audits. Maynard-this amount of request is not out of line with what we have always funded this authority, it takes this kind of funding. Independent business- over half the hospitals in the nation are in the red right now, medicare, managed care contracts, end it with private insurance, the way they pay is ridiculous.
Here's video and audio from the January 26, 2010 meeting, including the financial report
I clipped out the financial report from the January 26 2010 specifically
What about the Hospital Authority going back to ask Somervell County Commissioners Court to pick up the shortfall, also from January 26, 2010 meeting. The judge and Darrell Morrison had met with the Somervell County Hospital Authority Board regarding a memorandum of understanding about how the money was going to be asked for.
What Charley Thomas said a month or so ago about the financials.