Minutes from the City of Glen Rose Town Council Meeting for December 14 2009Somervell County Salon-Glen Rose, Rainbow, Nemo, Glass....Texas

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Minutes from the City of Glen Rose Town Council Meeting for December 14 2009

17 December 2009 at 9:22:41 AM

Courtesy Mygnonne T

Also VIDEO here   AUDIO and some pics here  Donna Hagar video here

DECEMBER 14, 2009 - 5:30 PM
 1.       Citizen Comments: This is for citizens to comment on any subject concerning city business that is not on the current agenda. Members of the Council may answer direct questions, but no action may be taken at this meeting.
 2.       Approve minutes of previous meeting(s).
 3.       Donna Hagee of the Master Gardeners Association to address Council on their rose garden project for 2010.
 4.       Discuss and possibly agree to Interlocal Agreement with GRISD for maintenance of Beck Field.
 5.       Discuss and possibly approve Resolution to work with TxDOT on solution to drainage problem.
 6.       Consider and possibly adopt Resolution changing the City Council meeting times from the second Monday of each month to the second and fourth Mondays of each month.
 7.       Consider and possibly approve raising salary of newly elected City Council members from $10 per meeting to $100 per month (beginning with Council members elected in May 2010).
 7.       Consider and approve or deny proposed change in the Zoning Ordinance requiring dumpsters to be shielded from public view.
 9.       Consider and possibly approve budget for operation and maintenance of Oakdale Park.
10.       Consider and possibly approve closing McAllister Street from Northeast Barnard Street to its intersection with College Street.
11.       Discuss and possibly authorize Sefko & Associates to produce an “overlay” ordinance for Highway 67 & 144, and the Paluxy River District through the City.
12.       Continue discussion of guidelines and procedures for enforcing the state noise ordinance or possibly developing a noise ordinance for the City.
13.       Discuss and possibly approve job description for City Administrator or Community Development Director.
14.       Update on 4B Economic Development Tax Corporation committee activities.
15.       Consider and possibly approve all invoices currently due and payable by the Glen Rose 4B Economic Development Corporation and possibly approve all change orders on the Riverwalk Project.
16.       Update on Texas Department of Transportation’s progress on flood control problems in Stadium Addition.
17.       Executive Session:The City Council of the City of Glen Rose reserves the right to meet in a closed session on any of the following items should the need arise and if applicable, pursuant to authorization by Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071 (consultation with attorney), 551.072 (deliberations about real property), 551.073 (deliberations about gifts and donations), 551.074 (personnel matters), 551.076 (deliberations about security devices), 551.087 (economic development), 418.183 (homeland security).
18.       Possible action on Executive Session.
 1.       Citizens Comments:   No comments were received.
 2.       Minutes: Mr. Stricklin moved to approve the minutes as written. Dr. Terry seconded the motion, and it passed 4/0.
 3.       Master Gardeners: Donna Hager, president, represented the Somervell County Master Gardeners. She spoke to Council regarding their project 2010 Rosebush. An idea of the Somervell/Glen Rose Networking Group, it is conceived as a project to beautify the area. The idea is to plant 2,010 rose bushes by the Year 2010. She asked Council to consider purchasing bushes for planting at the Riverwalk and at Oakdale Park, as well as any other City properties. Mr. Stricklin stated that he would like to see the roses continue down the entire fence line at the Riverwalk. Mr. Bryant said he thought it could be paid from 4B funds.
 4.       Agreement with GRISD: Mayor Miller said that she and Ronald Bruce have spoken with Superintendent Wayne Rotan about Beck Field. The School District does not use the field or the building any more, and the City has expressed interest in taking it over, including an extra acre or so of GRISD land for parking. Mr. Stricklin said he felt it would be a good addition to the City and could be a source of revenue by bringing tournaments into the City. Mr. Stricklin moved to enter into an agreement with the School District for the maintenance and operation of Beck Field as outlined in the agreement presented by Andy Lucas. Dr. Terry seconded the motion, and it passed 5/0.
 5.       Agreement with TxDOT: Mr. Lucas indicated that he is still working on the agreement. Mr. Stricklin made a motion to table this item until the next meeting. Mr. Bryant seconded the motion, and it passed 5/0.
 6.       Change Meeting Dates: Mr. Stricklin stated that he had put this item on the agenda. Council is almost meeting twice a month anyway, he said, and it seemed to him that they could get a better handle on business if they just go ahead and schedule it. He moved to adopt the Resolution, and Mr. Bryant provided a second. The motion passed 5/0.
 7.       Raise Council Salary: Mr. Bryan expressed his support for the increase and made a motion to that effect. Mr. Villa asked about the Mayor position, and was informed that it could not be addressed until 2011. Ms. Mitchell seconded the motion and it passed 4/1 with Mr. Stricklin voting against.
  8.       Hiding Dumpsters: Mr. Bryant commented that this item has been on the agenda for several months, and said that three examples of approved concealment are needed. Ms. Mitchell said the only holdup has been waiting for the Comprehensive Plan to be approved. Dan Sefko said it would be addressed in the Overlay Plan as part of their services. Mr. Villa moved to remove this item from the agenda until after the Overlay Play has been approved. Mr. Stricklin seconded the motion, and it passed 5/0.
 9.       Oakdale Park Budget: Ms. Busch presented a budget that was prepared by her and Billy Huckaby, and explained that since this is an unknown, new area, Council could expect to probably see several changes within the next few months. Mr. Stricklin moved to approve the proposed budget as presented. Mr. Villa seconded the motion, and it passed 5/0.
10.       Close McAlister Street: Karen Richardson pointed out that McAlister Street is named for a pioneer of Glen Rose, and asked that the name be considered for use later. Mr. Stricklin made a motion to close McAlister Street from NE Barnard to the end of the City’s property. Dr. Terry seconded the motion, which passed 5/0.
11.       Overlay Ordinance: Mr. Bryant questioned how this proposed project would help the Comprehensive Plan. Dan Sefko and Daniel Harrison said they would work closely with the Planning & Zoning Commission to develop the proposed overlay for the Highway 67 Corridor and the Paluxy River District, which will actually be an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map. Mr. Villa asked if “Smart Code” could be considered a possibility for our community. Mr. Sefko said they would be looking at not only land uses but design standards as well. They hope to start in January and complete the job by May. Mr. Bryant said he still did not understand why, for this amount of money ($20,000) this project is needed in addition to the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Sefko said the Comprehensive Plan has set the policy guidelines for the City; however, nothing in the Zoning Ordinances has been changed, and that is what the Overlay will do. Dr. Terry moved to approve Sefko to produce an Overlay Ordinance for Highway 67 and 144. Mr. Stricklin seconded the motion, and it passed 5/0.
12.       Noise Ordinance: Both Mr. Bryant and Storie Sharp said they had done research on the subject, but neither had anything concrete at this time. Mr. Bryant wondered why the neighbors who complain are never represented at the council meetings. After a brief discussion, Mr. Stricklin moved to table this item until the next meeting. Mr. Villa seconded the motion, and it passed 5/0.
13.       Job Description City Administrator: Council was provided with several job descriptions. They agreed to select one and start marking it up. Mr. Stricklin moved to table this item until next meeting. Ms. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it passed 5/0.
14.       4B Corporation: In the absence of Chairman Connally Miller, Mayor Miller reported that 4B is considering assisting the Dooley Corporation in bringing an animated dinosaur project that would run 4 days a week during Summer. She added that a company who manufactures the dinosaurs for the project has purchased property from the County and will begin operations soon.   4B is also looking into purchase of the old theater downtown. 
15.       Invoices Owed by 4B: One bill on the Riverwalk was presented, and it had been approved by the 4B Committee. Mr. Bryant moved to approve the invoices that are currently due. Ms. Mitchell provided a second, and it passed 5/0.
16.       Progress on TxDOT Flooding Problem: No report was available.
17.       Executive Session: At 6:42 PM, Council adjourned into Executive Session pursuant to authorization by Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071 (consultation with attorney), 551.072 (deliberations about real property), 551.073 (deliberations about gifts and donations), 551.074 (personnel matters), 551.076 (deliberations about security devices), 551.087 (economic development), 418.183 (homeland security).
Council resumed Regular Session at 7:01 PM.
18.       Action on Executive Session: No action was taken.
Mr. Stricklin made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Mitchell seconded the motion, and it passed 5/0. The meeting adjourned at 7:01 PM.
____________________________                     ________________________________
Pam Miller, Mayor                                                    Peggy Busch, City Secretary

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